The Drone Master- Entrepreneur of the week
A wise one said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it”. This is the tale of the Kenyan young folks who either by choice or by circumstance have opted to create a present that defines the future of self-employment and consultancy work. Today, in history there are more and more young CEOs, unlike the previous decades where the entry to entrepreneurship was people in their forty’s or retirees in their fifties, today’s young CEOs are young, dynamic, flexible, and extra creative having an early start. Figuring their lives at a very young age without prior experience has brought out young genius who are both impressive and bold. This allows them, to bring in something new to the table, perhaps never been seen, never been heard. This can be seen from the Tiktok moves that have promoted so many young business and enhanced wide reach. Mr Anthony, a young entrepreneur has never received a salary in his life, he managed to turn his passion for profit in the year 2016 and has never ...