Esther Neema: Founder Dream Tribe

Each of us has a semi-part, that is fully introvert. The one that can be overly needing of excessive self-time, would prefer to be out there reflecting upon philosophical thoughts, drinking juice modestly as we think of Mahatma Ghandhi. That sometimes would rather not suffice out of our shell. It gives usno pressure to reach out to no body. You could just wait somewhere, waiting to be greeted. People to cheer you up and excite you, while sitting pretty, like president Kingston. Rolling your eyes when people are not interesting enough. We all have such moments.

Until when you get to trade, where, relationships and people are everything. It is you who makes cold calls, gets blue-tickedoften. Lliterally making most first moves.

The worst when I walked straight to random four women discussing, ambushed them with greetings, trying to be cool. I had nothing to say, ehh. Until one by one started leaving me wondering, eeeerm, why did I come here particularly. Because inevitably, if you are not networking, you are not working, you are possibly forcing family and friends to buy your stuff .

I have had to learn that one can not sit there in a corner and anticipate questions from others. Seemingly peering in to their souls. I have had to be curious to hear other perspectives. Every conversation with anotherhuman is a journey in to a different world. I would begin to note that networking was not the person across the room. It was the person right next to me. Likely, they had been to places I hadn’t and equally connected to a world I hadn’t been.

It was not only a chance to meet “important people”, but actually a chance to be in the presence of another human. Whoever he was.

It couldn’t be business as usual. It was time for better behavior, to keep learning. Tradingmy comfort zone, to give a chance to be whoever best I could become. As my former supervisor in Radio used to tell us, it is illegal to be boring. So Glow Up and Grow up has been my new mantra. I think the greatest gift the journey gave me is social skills.

One can never underestimate the force required for a flight to take off the ground. or a bird to flap it’s wings and fly. Entrepreneurship and Trade, is going to force one to change for the better to go against gravity.

#DemystifyingEntrepreneurship #JustDoIt #JustBeIt#Entrepreneurship #Kenya #Africa #DreamTribe
