Henry David said, If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

Esther Neema: Founder Dream Tribe
Perhaps you are hearing Lingala beats, and you are here forced to dance to Jazz. First, you wont dance well, you wont even enjoy it and perhaps sometimes you may not even like yourself much. So perhaps, taking every chance to cause Mayhem to the universe, fighting over coffee.
Groups can bog you down in to the madness we are all the same. It feels normal to kinda walk slowly even when sometimes yáll going nowhere. Confusing optimism for achievement. Hope for success. In culture that would rather we echo our how we feel, as twins.
 However, Sometimes to finish your own race, you must find you. Getting to the first hill, some stepped back. They had finished their race. Some the second. Some of us the third. Some went the 7 long way to the end and back. And many of us could only wish we had.
When we have the capacity, and dont live to it, when our heart knows, we can do better, be better, and dont, it breaks.  When we know our potential and have accepted to live beneath it, we compromise living. We accept that breaking our heart is great. Yet, we will always be reminded that it is possible when people go, come back and tell us of the marvels on the other side. So #Juststart.
Sometimes, even in great teams, you may want to run when everybody is crawling, you may be agitated and bored to the chore. Perhaps, that is your cue that you cant yet take out your camping mattress to sleep, keep walking. Dont slow down. Trust your madness.. As long as you dont stop, you rest.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you fall head flat on the ground. But if you treat both wins and failures as imposters  with the same regard, you will go just fine. Whether at work or in business, Never arrive Sometimes you may lose sight of the shore for the slightest possibility to find home. And sometimes you have to find your compass once again to find where your wind is blowing. But no matter what, keep moving to finish your race. Never give up! #DemystifyingEntrepreneurship #Entrepreneurship #DreamTribe
