Esther Neema: Founder Dream Tribe

I had sworn to never get on to a horse, until the day I purposed to overcome my fears. This may not include activities such as Bungee jumping which I perceive as madness. So right infront of me was a horse. The only image I had was how I would be tossed in the air, and would not know how I would have to tell everybody, that this was brought about by my attempt to horse ride. 

My image of being thrown on the air had been stronger than my desire to conquer it. But on this day, I did get on the horse, I rode for a while, though screaming, but was not thrown in the air. Infact I had the highest level of feeling of accomplishment on that day. It was amazing.

Business and entrepreneurship is the same for many people. Before people came to terms with the idea that it was a possibility, everyone was afraid that you could sink. The struggle to success never seemed worth it to anybody. Such as if I came out having been tossed in the air, perhaps I would wonder whether getting on the horse was worth the ride. 

But in demystifying the myth that business is hard, on the contrary, when you have a product or a service that is needed in the market, then your business cannot be hard. If you have that one product or service that 1000 people can pay you 1000 for, you have your first million, right. Sounds easy right. It is not, but it is simple.

The task is always to find that product or that service with that precision. The task is of course to get that product to those 1000 people, before you faint of low esteem. That is where the magic is. That it takes so much out of you, to think of that idea. And second the same out of you, to make the idea acceptable. 

Alternatively, to find that product or service that many people need, a million people, and you get a shilling out of each. Does that sound impossible, may be now. So perhaps, it may be worth, getting up the horse right  . 

But first, you must be clear, it can’t be abstract. It must be a necessity.
